When you buy from Musart Project, 10 % of the purchase-proceeds go to the Red Cross for disaster relief. NOTE: Schools & qualifying Organizations are encouraged to participate in our special Musart Fundraising Project for their own support--contact us for details.] Thank You!

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THE MUSART PROJECT PRIVACY POLICY: We treat the data you enter on our Musart Project website(s) with respect and strict confidentiality. We do not share the information--we use it only to deliver the products you order, and respond to your inquiries and requests. Your information is used only to fulfill and improve our service to you. The information you enter into PayPal and Amazon orders through our Musart Project website is further protected by their respective privacy policies.

This website and its text, writings, image, and sound content are copy righted as per U.S and International copyright law.

COPYRIGHT 1979-2021 Karen W. Harvey. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 

PERMISSIONS: for duplication &/or distribution by any means, and for performance rights & licensing, it is necessary to have written permission &/or contract with the artist, Karen W. Harvey-Dewey.

For permission inquiries, Karen may be contacted through email: kdewey.5029.dw@gmail.com,

" I certainly encourage the singing and playing of my songs at informal (non-commercial) gatherings--thanks for your understanding and participation in this online venture for the People & Planet. ~.Karen Harvey-Dewey